Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Socialist Kingdom of Kogekitekinaheigosha

“Koge wa iki tsudzukeru, kanojo no hitobito mo iki tsudz”

Category: Corrupt Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Hermit

Location: United Authoritarians Of NS



The Hirjoma Family.

The Hirjoma Familly are the rulers of Koge, they are similar to dictators except allowing a little bit more freedom to their people, they also have the much larger Enerugī / Supirittoenerugī (Spirit Energy) than anyone, the Hirjoma family go all the way back to 400 B.C, when the Ancient Shigenoi Hirjoma founded ancient Koge, which was untouched until the 1200s.
Shigenoi was also the first person to discover the powers of Enerugī, a type of spiritual power (OOC Note: Similar to DBZ's Ki or One Piece's Haki and Jojo bizarre adventure Stands) that grants the user impossible strength and powers, Shigenoi wrote down how he found a strange face on the side of a mountain, he said he saw something shiny in it and tried to reached for it when he felt like his arm was being bitten off, when he pulled his arm out, he said he felt different, much different.
Later during an attack made from an enemy nation, Shigenoi shouted the words "ATTACK THE INVADERS!" to his troops, the invaders were being attacked by an "invisible force", the invisible force being a Supirittosorujā (Spirit Soldier), a type of demon that commands its masters orders, which in this case, was to attack the invading nations' soldiers.

There are a total of 4 family members in the ruling Hirjomas'
