Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Harbinger of Destruction of J o J

“Zerstörung für alle, Frieden für keinen.”

Category: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Below Average

Regional Influence: Superpower

Location: J o J



*Visible Confusion*

So recently I attempted to refound two fascist regions, because one was a holding of Aquaviva and the other was a yucky Nazi region. I saw their puppet founders CTE while they were on the dossier, and on the subsequent update the regions CTEd naturally, and thus I attempted a refound on both and got the following errors. Both events were a few days apart so this was not a localized, one-off issue with NS.

What's confusing about this is that the founders were not deleted, and to my knowledge had no moderator action taken upon them.

(If they had been deleted it would say "soiled by a former nation of significant size")

So, I have been left totally dumbfounded. I GHRed this issue already because I have no idea what is going on. If you're reading this then you likely know I have been in the refounding business for a long time, and I have never ever seen this problem. The puppet founders were not deleted, and the regions naturally CTEd. I don't know how they got automatically reserved unless the developers slipped in a secret patch of some kind to make refounding regions with fascist or national socialist keywords illegal. If you have any valid information to this issue then feel free to telegram me. I'm not putting this on the forums yet because I haven't yet received the response to the GHR I filed.

Update 5/9/21: A moderator replied to my GHR confirming that this is indeed a new feature in which they plan to restrict the use of terms such as Nazi and Reich in both region AND nation names due to "abuse".

Update 5/16/21: So basically, after seeing the fascists and Nazis get purged off the site, this makes more sense and this is what I uncovered. I had just discovered their changes before they announced them publicly. I'm a master detective.
