Category: Anarchy | ||
Civil Rights: Excellent |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Superb |
Regional Influence: Sprat
Location: Liberty Democratic Alliance
Inevan Ministry of Government Oversight (IDGO) Registry of Inevan Ministries
The following is a list of the 32 governmental ministries within Ineva, in alphabetical order:Inevan Ministry of Adolescent Protection (IMAP) - Protects vulnerable, endangered youth being raised in unhealthy environments
Inevan Ministry of Agriculture (IMA) - Preserves, regulates, and develops agriculture
Inevan Ministry of City Planning (I.M.C.P.) - Preserves, regulates, and develops city housing and architecture
Inevan Ministry of Counterterrorism and Defence (I.M.C.D.) - Prevents terrorism, preserves national security, and commands the Inevan Protective Forces (I.P.F.)
Inevan Ministry of Culture (I.M.C.) - Preserves and develops cultural heterogeneity
Inevan Ministry of Domestic Borders (I.M.D.B.) - Preserves and regulates municipal and provincial borders
Inevan Ministry of Domestic Trade (I.M.D.T.) - Regulates and develops national trade
Inevan Ministry of Education (IME) - Preserves, regulates, and develops academic standards and institutions
Inevan Ministry of Executive Powers (IMEP) - Preserves and regulates executive powers
Inevan Ministry of Fair Business Practices (I.M.F.B.P.) - Preserves, regulates, and develops fair public, private, and government business practices
Inevan Ministry of Government Enterprise (IMGE) - Preserves and regulates government enterprise
Inevan Ministry of Government Finance (I.M.G.F.) - Records and develops government funds and regulates government budgets
Inevan Ministry of Government Oversight (IMGO) - Preserves, regulates, and develops the separation of ministries and government integrity
Inevan Ministry of Health (I.M.H.) - Preserves, regulates, and develops medical standards and institutions
Inevan Ministry of Historical Preservation (I.M.H.P.) - Preserves and develops historical documentation and structures
Inevan Ministry of International Borders (IMIB) - Preserves and regulates national and international borders
Inevan Ministry of International Diplomacy (IMID) - Preserves, regulates, and develops international relations
Inevan Ministry of International Trade (IMIT) - Regulates and develops international trade
Inevan Ministry of Journalistic Relations (I.M.J.R.) - Preserves and develops government journalistic relations
Inevan Ministry of Judicial Powers (I.M.J.P.) - Preserves and regulates judicial powers
Inevan Ministry of Law and Order (IMLO) - Preserves, regulates, and develops civil law and order
Inevan Ministry of Medicinal Safety (I.M.N.S.) - Preserves, regulates, and develops medicinal standards and safety
Inevan Ministry of Politics (IMP) - Operates and regulates local, provincial, and national elections and preserves electoral integrity
Inevan Ministry of the Preservation of Constitutional Values (I.M.P.C.V.) - Preserves and develops constitutional values
Inevan Ministry of the Preservation of Fundamental Rights (I.M.P.F.R.) - Preserves and develops fundamental rights
Inevan Ministry of the Preservation of Nature (I.M.P.N.) - Preserves and develops environmental security
Inevan Ministry of Parliamentary Powers (I.M.P.P.) - Preserves and regulates parliamentary powers
Inevan Ministry of Public Relations (I.M.P.R.) - Preserves and develops government public relations
Inevan Ministry of the Quinquennial Census (I.M.Q.C.) - Regulates and develops the national quinquennial census
Inevan Ministry of Transport (I.M.T.) - Preserves, regulates, and develops transport
Inevan Ministry of Travel and Tourism (I.M.T.T.) - Regulates and develops travel and tourism
Inevan Ministry of Victual Safety (I.M.V.S.) - Preserves, regulates, and develops victual standards and safety
More Inevan ministries will be added to this Registry as the occasion arises.
This is an official description produced by the Inevan government. The Inevan Ministry of Public Relations (I.M.P.R.) and the Inevan Ministry of Government Oversight (IMGO) recognize, affirm, and endorse the content of this posting.