Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Theocratic Republic of Ineva

“Ineva foreva and neva to part”

Category: Anarchy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Sprat

Location: Liberty Democratic Alliance



Ineva's Stance on Abortion

Ineva is an adamant supporter of the right to human life, and that right shall not be infringed. There are only two cases in which a human child may be aborted; they are:

If the first exemption applies, both the mother and the father must agree to abort the child. If the second exemption applies, the decision befalls the mother alone.

In all other cases, including rape and incest, abortion is never legal.

This is an official description produced by the Inevan government. The Inevan Ministry of Public Relations (I.M.P.R.), the Inevan Ministry of Health (I.M.H.), the Inevan Ministry of the Preservation of Fundamental Rights (I.M.P.F.R.), and the Inevan Ministry of Law and Order (IMLO) recognize, affirm, and endorse the content of this posting.
