Category: Anarchy | ||
Civil Rights: Excellent |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Superb |
Regional Influence: Sprat
Location: Liberty Democratic Alliance
Religious Freedom in Ineva
Religious discrimination, persecution, exclusion, intolerance, or any other direct threats to religious freedom are never tolerated. In addition to its Jewish majority, Ineva has sizeable Christian-Catholic and Muslim populations; no matter the reason, anything that violates their religious freedoms is detested and denounced by the Inevan government.While symbols of hate (e.g., Swastikas), peaceful protests, speeches, and calls for action are permitted, none of these methods should be used to incite direct violence or oppression against (non-)devotees. If, for any reason, one of these methods of expression is maliciously used to impede anyone's religious freedoms, the person(s) and/or organization(s) responsible will be prosecuted rigorously.
The Inevan government urges all Inevians to be mindful of the impact their religious intolerance may have on others. While each and every Inevian has a right to express his disdain for a particular religious entity, if he is remotely responsible for any direct violence or oppression against that group, he shall be prosecuted accordingly.
This is an official description produced by the Inevan government. The Inevan Ministry of Public Relations (I.M.P.R.), the Inevan Ministry of the Preservation of Fundamental Rights (I.M.P.F.R.), the Inevan Ministry of Culture (I.M.C.), and the Inevan Ministry of Law and Order (IMLO) recognize, affirm, and endorse the content of this posting.