Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Colony of Industreeland

“Make felikatia great again”

Category: Compulsory Consumerist State
Civil Rights:
Below Average
Very Strong
Political Freedoms:

Location: Europeia

Regional Influence: Minnow


The Colony of Industreeland is a huge, orderly nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape, keen interest in outer space, and spontaneously combusting cars. The hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 344 million Industreelandians are rabid consumers, partly through choice and partly because the government tells them to and dissenters tend to vanish from their homes at night.

The tiny, pro-business, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Spirituality, and Law & Order. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 6.7%.

The very strong Industreelandian economy, worth 22.9 trillion scotts a year, is driven almost entirely by the private sector, which is broadly diversified and led by the Gambling industry, with significant contributions from Door-to-door Insurance Sales, Retail, and Woodchip Exports. Average income is 66,604 scotts, but there is a large disparity between incomes, with the richest 10% of citizens earning 269,073 per year while the poor average 11,001, a ratio of 24.5 to 1.

Only "purebloods" are allowed in the nicer parts of town, starry-eyed convention goers have their heads in the clouds, raver DJ XStacy holds multiple medical degrees in chillaxing, and even secular Industreelandians are shouting "Blessed are the cheesemakers!". Crime is a serious problem, with the police force struggling against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Industreeland's national animal is the elephant, which teeters on the brink of extinction due to widespread deforestation.

Industreeland is ranked 252,506th in the world and 1,130th in Europeia for Nicest Citizens, with 8.23 average smiles per day.

Largest Gambling Industry: 7,834thLargest Insurance Industry: 9,528thLowest Overall Tax Burden: 16,201stTop
Most Pro-Market: 31,168thHighest Disposable Incomes: 33,124thHighest Crime Rates: 34,169th
Largest Gambling Industry: 20th in the regionMost Pro-Market: 27th in the regionLargest Insurance Industry: 40th in the regionHighest Crime Rates: 49th in the regionGreatest Rich-Poor Divides: 52nd in the regionMost Avoided: 55th in the regionLowest Overall Tax Burden: 63rd in the regionTop
Fattest Citizens: 99th in the regionHighest Unexpected Death Rate: 99th in the regionLargest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 100th in the regionHighest Wealthy Incomes: 127th in the region

National Happenings

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