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National Flag

The Federation of Hiarlia

“Ma Yolis Hiarlia”

Category: Civil Rights Lovefest
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Location: Lazarus

Regional Influence: Sprat


The Federation of Hiarlia is a huge, socially progressive nation, renowned for its absence of drug laws. The hard-working, democratic, devout population of 490 million Hiarlii hold their civil and political rights very dear, although the wealthy and those in business tend to be viewed with suspicion.

The tiny, liberal, outspoken government juggles the competing demands of Spirituality, Welfare, and Education. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Tlahatl. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 9.0%.

The strong Hiarlii economy, worth 28.4 trillion Solaris a year, is broadly diversified and led by the Retail industry, with major contributions from Basket Weaving, Cheese Exports, and Uranium Mining. Average income is 57,979 Solaris, with the richest citizens earning 6.2 times as much as the poorest.

The mining industry is making inroads into environmentally sensitive areas, farting etiquette is taught in schools, students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas, and Hiarlia has designated Tlahatl as its capital city. Crime, especially youth-related, is moderate, probably because of the absence of a police force. Hiarlia's national animal is the Golden Jaguar, which can occasionally be seen sifting through garbage in the nation's cities.

Hiarlia is ranked 292,445th in the world and 15,081st in Lazarus for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 8.95 Effective Tax Rate.

Most World Assembly Endorsements: 7,959thTop
Most Cheerful Citizens: 22,030thMost Extensive Civil Rights: 29,777thMost Politically Free: 30,094thMost Rebellious Youth: 30,184thLargest Retail Industry: 33,601st
Most World Assembly Endorsements: 170th in the regionMost Extensive Civil Rights: 265th in the regionMost Politically Free: 300th in the regionHighest Drug Use: 547th in the regionTop
Most Influential: 856th in the regionMost Cheerful Citizens: 1,278th in the regionLowest Overall Tax Burden: 1,646th in the region

National Happenings

Most Recent Government Activity:


World Assembly

Endorsements Received: 10 » ISLAMIC CALI, New Rogernomics, Edoardienne, Wang Yao, Crusadis, Extrememeasures, Calption, Topicoon, Free Market Buisnesses, and Xoj.