Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Democratic Republic of Elisiar

“English or Spanish?” The O'mighty popo lord Elijah

Category: New York Times Democracy
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
World Benchmark

Regional Influence: Hermit

Location: totally not psychopathic countries




The giant, beautiful nation of Elisiar in the West Pacific is a happy, technologically advanced country. With it's universal healthcare and strict gun laws, the quality of life is generally quite good. The country has successfully cloned extinct species of birds and also has one of the most beautiful beaches in the entire West Pacific. 99% of the people have are employed with good salaries and only 0.16% of the population experiences poverty. The government is constantly trying to lower the number of poverty to zero. Elisiar is a great place to live and YOU can make it EVEN BETTER by endorsing us! :)
