Category: Democratic Socialists | ||
Civil Rights: Average |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Good |
Regional Influence: Shoeshiner
Location: Lazarus
The Benevolent Queendom of Divine Cervine History - 2017 January - February
January - February
January 1st, 2017
- Every workday begins with group therapy. #496
Book Publishing facilities are being turned into purple fairy deer habitats. #459
Birth rates have hit an all-time low. #364
January 2nd, 2017
- Queen Arbeaone panders to nontraditional families. #432
Popular cartoon characters frequently appear in government-sponsored PSAs reminding students to say no to drugs. #565
Angry crowds formed yesterday around government offices in Divine Cervine, demanding the reinstatement of free and fair elections. #125 dismissed
January 3rd, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 7,340th in the world and 331st in Lazarus for Highest Average Incomes, with 173,362.42 Standard Monetary Units.
Nude art is becoming wildly popular. #052
The Divine Cervinean Intelligence Agency relies on internet search engines to know what is happening overseas. #653
Super Barry Brothers is the most popular video game in the nation. #485
Wind farms are erected on shuttered oil platforms. #346
January 4th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 9,608th in the world and 422nd in Lazarus for Most Efficient Economies, scoring 99.67 on the Krugman-Greenspan Business Outlook Index.
The government awards prizes to television shows featuring stereotype-breaking minority roles. #029
The nation has nearly as many history museums as Divine Deerlings. #637
Students are wary of colorfully decorated new teachers with names like Professor Pipsqueak. #276
Space research funding has hit a recent high while several military bases are being closed down. #053
January 5th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 3,391st in the world and 153rd in Lazarus for Most Rebellious Youth, scoring 46 on the Stark-Dean Displacement Index.
The endangered saltwater humpback purple fairy deer is only seen in captivity programs. #547
National parks have long lines of different gender-specific 'Porta-Pottys'. #297
People reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight. #056
January 6th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 131st in the world and 4th in Lazarus for Most Advanced Public Education, scoring 33,732.32 on the Edu-tellignceฎ Test Score.
January 7th, 2017
- Workers have seized control of the economy. #339
Badminton was recently banned due to 'unacceptable violence' inherent to the game. #239
January 8th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 223rd in the world and 5th in Lazarus for Longest Average Lifespans, with 94.38 Years.
Anti-government political posters adorn every building like wallpaper. #207
Divine Cervine's Political Freedoms rose from Very Good to Excellent.
January 9th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 7,271st in the world and 339th in Lazarus for Highest Average Incomes, with 174,327.88 Standard Monetary Units.
The new Refuse Hills housing development is under construction. #342
A vast monorail network carries people all over the country. #083
The government has declared victoria over the cheese menace. #507
The government is giving peace a chance. #312
January 10th, 2017
- Noises louder than a whisper have been prohibited by law. #338
Schools have extensive counseling programs for troubled students. #062
The national anthem is a rather effective sleeping aid. #633
January 11th, 2017
- Future forecasters fearfully discuss grey goo and human obsolescence. #626
The number of students attending university has reached a record high. #209
The Finance Ministry posts hourly updates on where taxpayer money is spent. #551
January 12th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 7,244th in the world and 338th in Lazarus for Highest Average Incomes, with 174,635.72 Standard Monetary Units.
All forms of advertising are banned. #104
Citizens wishing to leave the country must surrender half their wealth to the government. #283
Consumption of cat memes has skyrocketed. #353
January 13th, 2017
- Builders across Divine Cervine are blocked up with orders for new public loos. #525
January 14th, 2017
- Organ donation is compulsory. #026
Almost all of Divine Cervine's water is piped into the country from abroad for exorbitant prices. #264
The nation now has an Economy of 100.
January 15th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 219th in the world and 5th in Lazarus for Most Beautiful Environments, with 5,401.72 Pounds Of Wildlife Per Square Mile.
Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Efficient Economies.
The wearing and manufacture of fur apparel is banned. #145
The newspaper industry is subsidised by the government in order to keep it afloat. #269
January 16th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 223rd in the world and 10th in Lazarus for Highest Foreign Aid Spending, scoring 8,737.35 on the Clooney Contribution Index.
Invading armies are given hard glares for their cheek. #244
Divine Cervine's soft-touch approach to diplomacy has made it known as the 'push-over' of the region. #237
Citizens are expected to be proficient in at least five languages. #115
January 17th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 217th in the world and 5th in Lazarus for Longest Average Lifespans, with 94.46 Years.
Citizens are frequently searched for illegal weapons. #149
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good.
January 18th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 623rd in the world and 21st in Lazarus for Most Cheerful Citizens, with 81.05 Percentage Of Water Glasses Perceived Half-Full.
The nation is ravaged by daily union strikes. #016
January 19th, 2017
- Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Stationary.
Betting pennies on games of Go Fish is considered deviant. #371 Doesn't lower gambling anymore?
Suburban backyards are seized by the government and turned into national parks. #457
Divine Cervine is ranked 1st in Lazarus for Most Developed on the Human Development Index.
January 20th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 15,370th in the world and 339th in Lazarus for Most Stationary, with 611.70794184 Days.
Spoiler warnings are now given out before political speeches. #540
Tourists from around the world come to visit the country's famous rainforests. #023
Students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas. #121
January 21st, 2017
- An endless multinational bureaucracy connects the Red Bloc. #577
Breast milk is being redistributed from each according to their ability to each according to their need. #446
Orphans would rather live their life of luxury than be adopted by prospective parents. #638
The government has solemnly sworn not to look up other nations' internet browsing history if the favor is returned. #650
Students memorise knock-knock jokes for their mandatory twice-a-term Comedy Examinations. #522
January 22nd, 2017
- Same-sex marriages are increasingly common. #001
Queen Arbeaone has more friends than ever before. #602
Queen Arbeaone's luxurious new home has been designated as a protected cultural heritage site. #600
January 23rd, 2017
- The mining industry has taken a hit from tighter environmental regulations. #049
Cub scouts are being asked to hand in their woggles as the state withdraws funding for scouting. #642
Divine Cervine was reclassified from Democratic Socialists to Liberal Democratic Socialists.
The nation has opened its arms to an influx of refugees. #035
Counselors have to sign pledges supporting gay rights before they can speak to any patients. #616
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good.
January 24th, 2017
- Some Divine Cervinean athletes have defected to Blackacre after being denied the chance to compete in international sporting events. #573
Scoutmasters debate whether luxury log cabins defeat the purpose of camping. #661
Fashion magazine covers finally display realistic body images following photo-manipulation becoming illegal. #613
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good.
January 25th, 2017
- Maxtopian Grass flags adorn every college dorm room. #420
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good.
Mantis shrimp studies is academia's fastest growing field. #373
Research grant proposals read like political diatribes. #523
The sound of wooden legs echo throughout Divine Cervine after the recent introduction of the Foot Tax. #135
January 26th, 2017
- Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Highest Economic Output.
There has been a series of riots between local cannibals and health food advocates. #088
Educators and parents alike are allowing children to view the internet again after violent videos were purged. #550
The nation has welcomed its expats back with open arms. #226
January 27th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 205th in the world and 4th in Lazarus for Longest Average Lifespans, with 94.59 Years.
Invasive drug testing is now performed at elementary school sports days. #493
The government raises tariffs on a weekly basis. #649
Any citizen who cries is immediately assigned a psychiatrist. #394
January 28th, 2017
- Groups of government workers are declared protected tribes if they venture too deep into the Capitol. #490
Divine Cervine's Medieval Faire is renowned as one of the best in the region. #061
Long arduous trials are held for the most trivial of offences. #131
Divine Cervine was reclassified from Liberal Democratic Socialists to Democratic Socialists.
The government is continually probing the galaxy in search of alien life. #589
January 29th, 2017
- Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.
Almost all of Divine Cervine's water is piped into the country from abroad for exorbitant prices. #264
Tax-payers are funding ever more extravagant movie projects. #440
School plays were recently banned due to concerns of child endangerment. #501
January 30th, 2017
- Divine Cervine is ranked 3,032nd in the world and 124th in Lazarus for Most Rebellious Youth, scoring 44 on the Stark-Dean Displacement Index.
Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 1% of the world for Most Subsidized Industry.
The latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller. #003
The government officially wants you to slow down and speak more clearly. #644
Citizens can be frequently spotted going about their business stark naked. #008 increases Rudeness 6.01 → 6.02 +0.17%
January 31st, 2017
- Excessive wheelchair ramps on government buildings have been compared to theme park attractions. #659
The WhoTube comments section has gone strangely quiet. #636
February 1st, 2017 February 2nd, 2017 February 3rd, 2017 February 4th, 2017 February 5th, 2017 February 6th, 2017 February 7th, 2017 February 8th, 2017 February 9th, 2017 February 10th, 2017 February 11th, 2017 February 12th, 2017 February 13th, 2017 February 14th, 2017 February 15th, 2017 February 16th, 2017 February 17th, 2017 February 19th, 2017 February 21st, 2017 February 22nd, 2017 February 23rd, 2017 February 24th, 2017 February 25th, 2017 February 26th, 2017 February 27th, 2017 February 28th, 2017 Divine Cervine is ranked 35th in the world and 1st in Lazarus for Largest Welfare Programs, scoring 24,412.81 on the Safety Net Mesh Density Rating.
Citizens applying for their first jobs face fierce competition from the homeless. #251
Book Publishing facilities are being turned into purple fairy deer habitats. #459
Unpackaged foodstuffs rot on store shelves. #667
_ Super Barry Brothers is the most popular video game in the nation. #485
The police are tightening their grip on alcohol smugglers. #185
The national guard is mobilized whenever a mother gets separated from her child at the mall. #341 lowers Civil Rights 64.05 → 63.81 -0.37%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good.
Thomas the Spank Engine is the most popular and controversial children's show in the nation. #516 increases Rudeness 5.99 → 6.00 +0.17%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good. High-income earners pay a 100% tax rate. #018
Military strategists are questioning the wisdom of subsidizing the economies of sworn enemies. #663 Divine Cervine is ranked 292nd in the world and 9th in Lazarus for Most Income Equality, scoring 100 on the Marx-Engels Emancipation Scale.
In this vegetarian nation the delicious smell of roasted meat is oddly commonplace. #625
Droves of former desperados are applying to join the border police. #321
_ Divine Cervine is ranked 183rd in the world and 9th in Lazarus for Highest Foreign Aid Spending, scoring 9,003.04 on the Clooney Contribution Index.
Angry crowds formed yesterday around government offices in Divine Cervine, demanding the reinstatement of free and fair elections. #125 dismissed
The Divine Cervinean Arts Council pays teenagers to sit through opera performances. #478
School children asked "what is two times two?" are likely to form a symposium to discuss how different answers make them feel. #668 increases Rudeness 5.99 → 6.00 +0.17%
Young children are learning advanced physics to scientifically disprove the existence of Santa Claus. #556 lowers Culture 284.00 → 282.00 -0.70%
Sullen teenagers in bright orange 'community payback' onesies can be seen picking litter at the roadside. #543 Most citizens in Divine Cervine are abject pyrophobes after extremely graphic pamphlets were mailed nationwide by the government. #247
Workers have seized control of the economy. #339 RPG fans reminisce fondly about when people thought they were evil and dangerous rather than geeky and socially inept. #624
Sex changes are routinely performed at Divine Cervine's hospitals. #066
Park rangers struggle to deal with a rash of stolen pic-a-nic baskets. #557 People faint regularly as they get stuck with compulsory vaccinations. #092
A government program is underway to revitalize Divine Cervine's beaches. #031
Divine Cervine is ranked 1,470th in the world and 46th in Lazarus for Most Subsidized Industry, scoring 11,866.66 on the Gilded Widget Scale.
The words 'private' and 'enterprise' must never appear in the same sentence. #152
Research grant proposals read like political diatribes. #523
_ Divine Cervine is ranked 319th in the world and 10th in Lazarus for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 101.89 Effective Tax Rate.
Terrorists are on a first name basis with the officials that stamp their passports. #670
No personal detail is too tiny for the suede-denim census police. #580 increases Death Rate, lowers Welfare, Public Healthcare, Eco-Friendliness, Foreign Aid, Civil Rights
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good.
Pushy mums tell their kids to be doctors and engineers but steer them away from being penniless lawyers. #601
Urban graffiti is hand-calligraphed in perfectly kerned elegant fonts. #579
Every workday begins with group therapy. #496 Divine Cervine's free colleges struggle to maintain standards in the face of overwhelming demand. #093
Advertisements for jobs in the sciences run in fashion magazines. #548
The nation's leading climatologists are investigating animal flatulence in efforts to reduce methane emissions. #495 Divine Cervine is ranked 33rd in the world and 1st in Lazarus for Most Inclusive, scoring 464.35 on the Mandela-Wollstonecraft Non-Discrimination Index.
Nude art is becoming wildly popular. #052
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good.
Sections of the police receive paramilitary training. #455
The government is funding experimental battery technology while the power grid continues to crumble. #669
The nation is currently revamping its entire education system. #064 Drills and shovels have been banned as the government cracks down on any means of fracking. #449
The WhoTube comments section has gone strangely quiet. #636
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good. Divine Cervine is ranked 200th in the world and 5th in Lazarus for Most Beautiful Environments, with 5,666.51 Pounds Of Wildlife Per Square Mile.
The nation faces constant invasions by foreign boy bands. #673 lowers Pacifism 320.71 → 320.66
Breast milk is being redistributed from each according to their ability to each according to their need. #446
High school boys are required to pass vigorous self-mastery and sensitivity training to graduate. #504
_ Divine Cervine is ranked 5,673rd in the world and 319th in Lazarus for Most Efficient Economies, scoring 100 on the Krugman-Greenspan Business Outlook Index.
The new Refuse Hills housing development is under construction. #342
The Finance Ministry posts hourly updates on where taxpayer money is spent. #551
There's a shortage of swinging hot spots as land development grinds to a halt. #138
_ Divine Cervine is ranked 190th in the world and 4th in Lazarus for Longest Average Lifespans, with 94.8 Years.
Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 1% of the world for Least Corrupt Governments.
Relations with Dเgu๓ have warmed from frosty to chilly. #610
Earthquake sirens are a leading cause of hearing loss. #672
National parks have long lines of different gender-specific 'Porta-Pottys'. #297
Companies struggle to cover for the hordes of employees on parental leave. #304
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good.
_ Heavy industry must go to expensive lengths to dispose of waste. #156
Retirement homes are often fitted with luxurious suites. #122
The mob and the police have recently had numerous clashes in the back alleys of Divine Cervine's cities due to the government's steadfast anti-casino stance. #108
Betting pennies on games of Go Fish is considered deviant. #371 Several underground organisations in Divine Cervine have recently been spreading discontent throughout the populace about not being able to vote. #177 dismissed
The Enchanted Wildwood of Sacred Fauna has become the number one destination for urban exploration in Lazarus. #518 Refugees from other nations are flocking to Divine Cervine's border. #047
The "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The The Enchanted Wildwood of Sacred Fauna Times is sold out. #275
Welfare funding has recently gone through the roof. #164 Divine Cervine is ranked 817th in the world and 29th in Lazarus for Highest Workforce Participation Rate, with 90.52 Workforce Participation Rate.
Space shuttles regularly launch rubbish into space. #097
The nation has nearly as many history museums as Divine Deerlings. #637
Queen Arbeaone panders to nontraditional families. #432
_ Divine Cervine is ranked 7,786th in the world and 301st in Lazarus for Most Scientifically Advanced, scoring 297.91 on the Kurzweil Singularity Index.
_The constant playing of Merry Birthday on Divine Cervinean radio has led to calls for the song to be classified as a crime against humanity. #500 lowers Income Equality 100.00 → 99.41, increases Wealth Gaps
Scoutmasters debate whether luxury log cabins defeat the purpose of camping. #661
Census workers struggle to account for the rapidly increasing number of citizens to tabulate. #491
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Very Good to Excellent. Several underground organisations in Divine Cervine have recently been spreading discontent throughout the populace about not being able to vote. #177 dismissed
The nation's taxpayers pay for foreign government's extravagances. #677
Queen Arbeaone has more friends than ever before. #602 Children are brainwashed at a young age to accept "Love and peace!" as a way of life. #190
Divine Cervine is ranked 209th in the world and 7th in Lazarus for Best Weather, with 933 Meters Of Sunlight.
Graffiti graces every city's streets. #114
There is a dearth of space for new houses. #331
Carbon-footprint restrictions are making businesses walk. #675
Divine Cervine has one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world. #263
People seem disproportionately distraught when told a museum has a phones-off policy. #582
Divine Cervine published "The Benevolent Queendom of Divine Cervine History - 2017 March - April" (Factbook: History).