Category: Democratic Socialists | ||
Civil Rights: Average |
Economy: Frightening |
Political Freedoms: Good |
Regional Influence: Shoeshiner
Location: Lazarus
The Benevolent Queendom of Divine Cervine History - 2016 November - December
November - December
November 1st, 2016
- The Divine Cervine national animal has changed to "purple fairy deer".
Almost all of Divine Cervine's water is piped into the country from abroad for exorbitant prices. #264
The nation is ravaged by daily union strikes. #016
Census workers struggle to account for the rapidly increasing number of citizens to tabulate. #491
High school boys are required to pass vigorous self-mastery and sensitivity training to graduate. #504
Divine Cervine was reclassified from Democratic Socialists to a Scandinavian Liberal Paradise.
November 2nd, 2016
- Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Highest Average Incomes.
Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Most Efficient Economies.
Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 10% of the world for Nudest.
The Divine Cervinean Babysitters Club has proven to be a huge relief to stressed-out parents across the nation. #448
Drills and shovels have been banned as the government cracks down on any means of fracking. #449
People reciting Shakespeare have become a common sight. #056
November 3rd, 2016
- A primitive society is being eroded as its youth flock to the modern world. #129
Companies struggle to cover for the hordes of employees on parental leave. #304
Shelters struggle to keep up with the endless intake of stray animals. #431
November 4th, 2016
- The nation has an international reputation for compassion. #036
The nation has welcomed its expats back with open arms. #226
November 5th, 2016
- Children are brainwashed at a young age to accept "Love and peace!" as a way of life. #190
An endless multinational bureaucracy connects the Red Bloc. #577
The government's official stance on religion is that it is so very silly. #243 lowers Intelligence 156.00 → 155.78 -0.14%, Civil Rights 72.67 → 70.90 -2.4%
Divine Cervine was reclassified from a Scandinavian Liberal Paradise to Democratic Socialists.
Student athletes gaze forlornly at abandoned purple fairy deerball fields. #415
November 6th, 2016
- Parents live in fear of governmental 'child protection' squads. #148 lowers Intelligence 156.29 → 156.01 -0.18%, Civil Rights 70.90 → 68.67 -3.1%
Some Divine Cervinean athletes have defected to Blackacre after being denied the chance to compete in international sporting events. #573
The government awards prizes to television shows featuring stereotype-breaking minority roles. #029 raises Inclusiveness 412.28 → 413.49 +0.29%, lowers Civil Rights 68.67 → 67.90 -1.1%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Excellent to Very Good.
The number of students attending university has reached a record high. #209 raises (only slightly) Death Rate 17.56 → 17.57 +0.06%
November 7th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 3,003rd in the world and 144th in Lazarus for Most Rebellious Youth, scoring 51 on the Stark-Dean Displacement Index.
Any citizen who cries is immediately assigned a psychiatrist. #394
Nude art is becoming wildly popular. #052
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Very Good to Excellent.
Organ donation is compulsory. #026 lowers Civil Rights 68.90 → 67.95 -1.4%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Excellent to Very Good.
November 8th, 2016
- Students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas. #121
Birth rates have hit an all-time low. #364
November 9th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 180th in the world and 5th in Lazarus for Most Advanced Public Education, scoring 31,270.3 on the Edu-tellignceฎ Test Score.
The national guard is mobilized whenever a mother gets separated from her child at the mall. #341 slightly lowers Civil Rights 68.38 → 68.24 -0.20%
The nation is currently revamping its entire education system. #064
RPG fans reminisce fondly about when people thought they were evil and dangerous rather than geeky and socially inept. #624
November 10th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 8,953rd in the world and 359th in Lazarus for Most Scientifically Advanced, scoring 273.4 on the Kurzweil Singularity Index.
Breast milk is being redistributed from each according to their ability to each according to their need. #446
Criminals and college students are taking an interest in the government's new weed-killing program. #505
Research grant proposals read like political diatribes. #523
November 11th, 2016
- Divine Cervine's Medieval Faire is renowned as one of the best in the region. #061
Refugees from other nations are flocking to Divine Cervine's border. #047
There is a dearth of space for new houses. #331
Raver DJ XStacy holds multiple medical degrees in chillaxing. #597
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Very Good to Excellent.
November 12th, 2016
- Educators and parents alike are allowing children to view the internet again after violent videos were purged. #550 Civil Rights 69.05 → 67.57 -2.1%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Excellent to Very Good.
Only toddlers and the elderly watch television before 23:00. #303 lowers Civil Rights 67.57 → 66.14 -2.1%
Extreme political groups are outlawed. #012 increases Corruption 0.48→0.50 +4.2%, Rudeness 6.38→6.51 +2.0%, lowers Integrity 95.52→95.34 -0.19%, Safety 154.14→153.69 -0.29%, Political Freedom 69.43→64.67 -6.9%
Divine Cervine's Political Freedoms fell from Excellent to Very Good.
Workers have seized control of the economy. #339
November 13th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 1,200th in the world and 50th in Lazarus for Highest Poor Incomes, with 164,303.17 Standard Monetary Units.
Popular cartoon characters frequently appear in government-sponsored PSAs reminding students to say no to drugs. #565
Invasive drug testing is now performed at elementary school sports days. #493
November 14th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 1,198th in the world and 49th in Lazarus for Highest Poor Incomes, with 164,303.17 Standard Monetary Units.
Students memorise knock-knock jokes for their mandatory twice-a-term Comedy Examinations. #522
Future forecasters fearfully discuss grey goo and human obsolescence. #626
November 15th, 2016
- Businesses are forced to bring all work back within the nation's borders. #305
Divine Cervine has one of the largest offshore wind farms in the world. #263
November 16th, 2016
- Thomas the Spank Engine is the most popular and controversial children's show in the nation. #516
Children as young as six shock their parents by coming out of the closet. #365
People seem disproportionately distraught when told a museum has a phones-off policy. #582
The government seeks peaceful forum with terrorists. #222
November 17th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 193rd in the world and 7th in Lazarus for Most Pacifist, with 294.02 Cheeks Turned Per Day.
The number of students attending university has reached a record high. #209
Excited shovel-bearing geeks wander the countryside. #630
November 18th, 2016
- People faint regularly as they get stuck with compulsory vaccinations. #092
November 19th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 1,457th in the world and 59th in Lazarus for Smartest Citizens, with 159.32 Quips Per Hour.
Libraries are now installed with jacuzzis and mini-bars. #099
The national anthem is a rather effective sleeping aid. #633
Burning twigs to keep warm while lost in the wild is now a felony. #590
November 20th, 2016
- The phrase 'spreading like wildfire' is no longer in the public lexicon. #628
Pro-democracy regime change has been avoided. #359
November 21st, 2016
- The Finance Ministry posts hourly updates on where taxpayer money is spent. #551
Droves of former desperados are applying to join the border police. #321
November 22nd, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 142nd in the world and 3rd in Lazarus for Most Compassionate Citizens, scoring 154.8 on the Kitten Softness Rating.
Citizens are expected to be proficient in at least five languages. #115
The Museum of Soybeans is the cultural heart of the nation. #581
In this vegetarian nation the delicious smell of roasted meat is oddly commonplace. #625
November 23rd, 2016
- Bemused citizens are encouraged to sing foreign-language hymns of religions they have never heard of. #632
The latest Harry Potter book is a bestseller. #003
Advertisements for jobs in the sciences run in fashion magazines. #548
November 24th, 2016
- Queen Arbeaone's mistress is the belle at many state balls. #417 only effect is increase in Rudeness 6.50 → 6.52 +0.31%
The "Underwear of Women in Power" issue of The The Enchanted Wildwood of Sacred Fauna Times is sold out. #275
November 25th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 192nd in the world and 7th in Lazarus for Most Pacifist, with 295.8 Cheeks Turned Per Day.
Betting pennies on games of Go Fish is considered deviant. #371
Prime real estate is devoted to wind farms and solar energy generators. #069
The installation of street lights across remote goat tracks has left citizens bemused. #462
Orphans would rather live their life of luxury than be adopted by prospective parents. #638
November 26th, 2016
- Space shuttles regularly launch rubbish into space. #097
All forms of advertising are banned. #104
A government program is underway to revitalize Divine Cervine's beaches. #031
November 27th, 2016
- Breast milk is being redistributed from each according to their ability to each according to their need. #446
Tax-payers are funding ever more extravagant movie projects. #440
November 28th, 2016
- Schoolchildren have twice-weekly sex education classes. #200
The constant playing of Merry Birthday on Divine Cervinean radio has led to calls for the song to be classified as a crime against humanity. #500
Sections of the police receive paramilitary training. #455
November 29th, 2016
- Children are brainwashed at a young age to accept "Love and peace!" as a way of life. #190
Citizens wishing to leave the country must surrender half their wealth to the government. #283
The nation now has 100% Income Equality.
100-year-old politicians are now a thing of the past. #639
The nation's war memorials are being torn down and replaced with peace gardens. #378
November 30th, 2016
- The nation has nearly as many history museums as Divine Deerlings. #637
The government spends more on chasing distant comets than on basic infrastructure. #419
December 1st, 2016
- Welfare funding has recently gone through the roof. #164
A new generation of aquariumless hotels are being built under government supervision. #324
An endless multinational bureaucracy connects the Red Bloc. #577
December 2nd, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 3,091st in the world and 127th in Lazarus for Most Subsidized Industry, scoring 10,126.05 on the Gilded Widget Scale.
The WhoTube comments section has gone strangely quiet. #636
The police are tightening their grip on alcohol smugglers. #185
Citizens applying for their first jobs face fierce competition from the homeless. #251
Anti-government web sites are springing up. #037
Noises louder than a whisper have been prohibited by law. #338
December 3rd, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 2,586th in the world and 122nd in Lazarus for Most Advanced Public Transport, scoring 7,809.62 on the Societal Mobility Rating.
Super Barry Brothers is the most popular video game in the nation. #485
Children are raised bilingual from an early age. #071
Heavy industry must go to expensive lengths to dispose of waste. #156
December 4th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 143rd in the world and 2nd in Lazarus for Most Compassionate Citizens, scoring 156.19 on the Kitten Softness Rating.
Park rangers struggle to deal with a rash of stolen pic-a-nic baskets. #557
The police are tightening their grip on alcohol smugglers. #185
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good.
Cub scouts are being asked to hand in their woggles as the state withdraws funding for scouting. #642
December 5th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 2,780th in the world and 119th in Lazarus for Least Corrupt Governments, with 95.54 Percentage Of Bribes Refused.
The wearing and manufacture of fur apparel is banned. #145
There's a shortage of swinging hot spots as land development grinds to a halt. #138
An increasing percentage of the population's youth have homosexual parents. #218
December 6th, 2016
- The government seeks peaceful forum with terrorists. #222
The nation has welcomed its expats back with open arms. #226
Builders across Divine Cervine are blocked up with orders for new public loos. #525
December 7th, 2016
- Divine Cervine's Medieval Faire is renowned as one of the best in the region. #061
December 8th, 2016
- Relations with Dเgu๓ have warmed from frosty to chilly. #610
Burning twigs to keep warm while lost in the wild is now a felony. #590
Artists are pillars of society. #124
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good.
December 9th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 764th in the world and 23rd in Lazarus for Highest Average Tax Rates, with 99.88 Effective Tax Rate.
Divine Cervine's soft-touch approach to diplomacy has made it known as the 'push-over' of the region. #237
The police are tightening their grip on alcohol smugglers. #185 This is the third time this week that I have had this issue.
The nation is ravaged by daily union strikes. #016
December 11th, 2016
- The Divine Cervinean Arts Council pays teenagers to sit through opera performances. #478
December 12th, 2016
- Conductors wield diamond-encrusted batons to fit in with their freshly gilded surroundings. #293
In a baffling press conference Queen Arbeaone proudly dismantled a broken door. #503
Urban graffiti is hand-calligraphed in perfectly kerned elegant fonts. #579
Space research funding has hit a recent high while several military bases are being closed down. #053
Military funding has been stripped back. #014
December 13th, 2016
- Counselors have to sign pledges supporting gay rights before they can speak to any patients. #616
The government spends more on chasing distant comets than on basic infrastructure. #419
Most of the nation's wealthy aristocrats are dentists. #167
December 14th, 2016
- The government is using tax revenues to provide jobs for the poor. #255
The mining industry has taken a hit from tighter environmental regulations. #049
Pushy mums tell their kids to be doctors and engineers but steer them away from being penniless lawyers. #601
The new classical revitalization of The Enchanted Wildwood of Sacred Fauna is expected to be completed sometime in the next century. #643
Several underground organisations in Divine Cervine have recently been spreading discontent throughout the populace about not being able to vote. #177 dismissed
December 15th, 2016
- Illegal hunting is rife after veganism was recently made compulsory. #205 lowers Civil Rights 64.62 → 61.24 -5.2%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good.
Divine Cervine's free colleges struggle to maintain standards in the face of overwhelming demand. #093
Divine Cervine is ranked 1st for having The Largest Welfare Programs in Lazarus.
Badminton was recently banned due to 'unacceptable violence' inherent to the game. #239
December 16th, 2016
- Consumption of cat memes has skyrocketed. #353
Divine Cervine's children are widely acknowledged as the most foul-mouthed in the region. #013 increases Rudeness 6.40 → 6.42 +0.31%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good.
The new national mascot has to be wheeled onto the field of play. #385
The government officially wants you to slow down and speak more clearly. #644
December 17th, 2016
- Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.
Foreign nations kill migratory animals at random in the hope that Divine Cervine will pay them to stop. #647
The nation's leading climatologists are investigating animal flatulence in efforts to reduce methane emissions. #495
Refugees from other nations are flocking to Divine Cervine's border. #047
December 18th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 9,000th in the world and 357th in Lazarus for Most Scientifically Advanced, scoring 278.12 on the Kurzweil Singularity Index.
Most citizens in Divine Cervine are abject pyrophobes after extremely graphic pamphlets were mailed nationwide by the government. #247
In a baffling press conference Queen Arbeaone proudly dismantled a broken door. #503
Shelters struggle to keep up with the endless intake of stray animals. #431
Criminals and college students are taking an interest in the government's new weed-killing program. #505
December 19th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 757th in the world and 26th in Lazarus for Most Cheerful Citizens, with 79.47 Percentage Of Water Glasses Perceived Half-Full.
Libraries are now installed with jacuzzis and mini-bars. #099 increases Industry: Book Publishing -2.21 → 308.23 +14,050%
The government has solemnly sworn not to look up other nations' internet browsing history if the favor is returned. #650
December 20th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 2,143rd in the world and 69th in Lazarus for Most Secular, with 83.01 Atheism Rate.
Scientists recently cloned the long-extinct feather-bellied purple fairy deer. #033
The newspaper industry is subsidised by the government in order to keep it afloat. #269 increases Industry: Book Publishing 308.14 → 1,534.35 +398%
December 21st, 2016
- Divine Cervine was ranked in the Top 5% of the world for Most Scientifically Advanced.
Students are known to arrive at school in their pyjamas. #121
December 22nd, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 236th in the world and 6th in Lazarus for Most Beautiful Environments, with 5,239.92 Pounds Of Wildlife Per Square Mile.
Student athletes gaze forlornly at abandoned purple fairy deerball fields. #415
Drills and shovels have been banned as the government cracks down on any means of fracking. #449
December 24th, 2016
- People seem disproportionately distraught when told a museum has a phones-off policy. #582
Doctors prescribe medicines but they rarely dispense hope or compassion. #608 lowers Niceness 106.32 → 106.22 -0.09%, Compassion 158.96 → 158.81 -0.09%, Civil Rights 64.14 → 63.33 -1.3%
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights fell from Very Good to Good.
The mob and the police have recently had numerous clashes in the back alleys of Divine Cervine's cities due to the government's steadfast anti-casino stance. #108
December 25th, 2016
- The government raises tariffs on a weekly basis. #649
Retirement homes are often fitted with luxurious suites. #122
Divine Cervine is ranked 1st in Lazarus for having The Largest Welfare Programs.
December 26th, 2016
- Businesses are forced to bring all work back within the nation's borders. #305
The government has instituted 'traveller reservations' across the country. #198
People faint regularly as they get stuck with compulsory vaccinations. #092
December 27th, 2016
- The new national mascot has to be wheeled onto the field of play. #385
Companies struggle to cover for the hordes of employees on parental leave. #304
Divine Cervine's Civil Rights rose from Good to Very Good.
The Divine Cervinean Babysitters Club has proven to be a huge relief to stressed-out parents across the nation. #448
December 28th, 2016
- Divine Cervine is ranked 741st in the world and 25th in Lazarus for Most Cheerful Citizens, with 79.67 Percentage Of Water Glasses Perceived Half-Full.
Children as young as six shock their parents by coming out of the closet. #365
The Museum of Soybeans is the cultural heart of the nation. #581
December 29th, 2016
- Political talk shows often have children as guests whenever they need commentary on world religions. #598
Queen Arbeaone has more friends than ever before. #602
Bemused citizens are encouraged to sing foreign-language hymns of religions they have never heard of. #632
December 30th, 2016
- Spoiler warnings are now given out before political speeches. #540
The endangered saltwater humpback purple fairy deer is only seen in captivity programs. #547
The government funds large training centres to turn purple fairy deer into functioning members of society. #133
December 31st, 2016
- The arms industry has been shut down in a surge of pacifism. #137
Schoolchildren have twice-weekly sex education classes. #200
There has been a series of riots between local cannibals and health food advocates. #088
Divine Cervine published "The Benevolent Queendom of Divine Cervine History - 2017 January - February" (Factbook: History).