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National Flag

The Kingdom of Cothidal

“A nation without God is a body without a heart”

Category: Psychotic Dictatorship
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:
Unheard Of

Location: Balder

Regional Influence: Shoeshiner


The Kingdom of Cothidal is a colossal, efficient nation, ruled by King Henry Indominus with an iron fist, and remarkable for its ritual sacrifices, parental licensing program, and suspicion of poets. The hard-nosed, cynical, humorless, devout population of 7.592 billion Cothidalians are ruled without fear or favor by a psychotic dictator, who outlaws just about everything and refers to the populace as "my little playthings."

The large, corrupt, moralistic, socially-minded, well-organized government juggles the competing demands of Defense, Law & Order, and Spirituality. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Castra Nova. The average income tax rate is 99.0%.

The frighteningly efficient Cothidalian economy, worth a remarkable 2,925 trillion florins a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is an enormous, deeply entrenched, quite specialized black market in Arms Manufacturing, Beef-Based Agriculture, Uranium Mining, and Furniture Restoration. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is an amazing 385,340 florins, and evenly distributed, with the richest citizens earning only 2.7 times as much as the poorest.

Children are often punished for the sins of the fathers, flatulent people are left to die of cancer at the end of hospital waiting lists, the populace harbors a fierce hatred of the metric system, and no personal detail is too tiny for the suede-denim census police. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to the all-pervasive police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Cothidal's national animal is the dove, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its national religion is Blongo Christianity.

Cothidal is ranked 345,247th in the world and 16,578th in Balder for Nicest Citizens, with 0.08 average smiles per day.

Largest Agricultural Sector: 21stMost Primitive: 47thMost Devout: 76thMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 86thMost Ignorant Citizens: 148thMost Patriotic: 214thMost Advanced Defense Forces: 324thLargest Furniture Restoration Industry: 578thMost Corrupt Governments: 617thLowest Crime Rates: 684thLargest Mining Sector: 700thLargest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 1,294thLargest Black Market: 1,376thHighest Average Incomes: 1,438thLargest Manufacturing Sector: 1,544thHighest Poor Incomes: 1,713thHighest Average Tax Rates: 1,718thLargest Governments: 1,743rdBest Weather: 2,554thTop
Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 4,140thLargest Basket Weaving Sector: 4,544thMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 4,551stMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 4,718thMost Conservative: 5,448thHighest Wealthy Incomes: 6,321stMost Authoritarian: 6,606thMost Advanced Public Transport: 6,716thHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 7,178thMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 8,398thHighest Economic Output: 8,421stMost Beautiful Environments: 11,640thMost Subsidized Industry: 13,878thLargest Welfare Programs: 14,035thMost Efficient Economies: 15,428thTop
Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 19,263rdMost Influential: 30,411thMost Extreme: 33,029th
Largest Agricultural Sector: 1st in the regionMost Advanced Law Enforcement: 4th in the regionMost Devout: 4th in the regionMost Primitive: 5th in the regionMost Patriotic: 5th in the regionMost Ignorant Citizens: 8th in the regionMost Corrupt Governments: 18th in the regionMost Advanced Defense Forces: 21st in the regionLowest Crime Rates: 25th in the regionLargest Mining Sector: 27th in the regionLargest Furniture Restoration Industry: 38th in the regionLargest Black Market: 48th in the regionHighest Average Incomes: 49th in the regionHighest Poor Incomes: 58th in the regionLargest Arms Manufacturing Sector: 61st in the regionLargest Governments: 62nd in the regionLargest Manufacturing Sector: 63rd in the regionHighest Average Tax Rates: 70th in the regionBest Weather: 113th in the regionMost Politically Apathetic Citizens: 129th in the regionTop
Most Extensive Public Healthcare: 195th in the regionMost Conservative: 203rd in the regionMost Authoritarian: 235th in the regionMost Eco-Friendly Governments: 272nd in the regionLargest Basket Weaving Sector: 322nd in the regionHighest Wealthy Incomes: 354th in the regionMost Extreme: 369th in the regionMost Influential: 381st in the regionHighest Economic Output: 389th in the regionMost Advanced Public Transport: 400th in the regionHighest Foreign Aid Spending: 424th in the regionMost Popular Tourist Destinations: 480th in the regionMost Stationary: 488th in the regionMost Beautiful Environments: 671st in the regionMost Subsidized Industry: 712th in the regionMost Efficient Economies: 750th in the regionLargest Welfare Programs: 791st in the regionTop
Largest Timber Woodchipping Industry: 1,444th in the region

National Happenings

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