Spotlight on:

National Flag

The Tree State of Cannibaland

“You are free, even to not be free” Barack O'Llama

Category: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise
Civil Rights:
Political Freedoms:

Regional Influence: Vassal

Location: Forest



The Beginning

The path across the valley of history traced by this nations started centuries ago, when its first, fragile footsteps were made by a varied group of different people who, fleeing from different countries, found themselves in these lands and here they decided to settle down build a new society together.
The name of this newborn reality was not a priority to them: so many were the things to build, to organize and to do, that several years passed before they even considered the issue: someone else did it for them eventually.
Things were all going well for the founders, until they met their neighbours, that for a couple of years never bothered giving any sign of their presence: in the woods surrounding the newborn capital were living cannibals, a tribe of cannibals, who had been osserving the growing new society and finally decided to take action.
There are no nice words to describe what happened: six people were abducted by the tribe and horribly slaughtered and eaten, and what was left of them abandoned as a message to the other founders. Clearly there was a problem to be dealt with and clearly the land was not abandoned but was these people's land.
a council was held and split the citizens: a slight majority voted for a wise and peaceful option, to try and reach out to the cannibals, to find a compromise for everyone to live in those lands without fearing the neighbours.
A consistent part of the population, though, voted for a more radical option: to take revenge against the cannibal tribe and fight them until the last drop of their blood would have fallen to the ground: not accepting their defeat at the assembly, where the moderate option had won, during nighttime they decided to act.
The red rising sun could not match the red flames that were consuming part of the forest the next morning: and again there are no kind words to describe what happened. All the cannibals were killed by the bloodthirsty minority of the citizens.
Horrified, disgusted and shocked by such violence, by the lack of compassion and humanity, and decided that something drastic had to happen.

The two factions could not go on together, and the violent minority was exiled by the moderate majority, their belongings loaded on a boat, on which they sailed never to be heard of again.

Still filled with painful horror and regret, what was left of the original group decided to find the strength they needed in giving their new nation a shape that allowed them a new beginning, a catharsis, a way to make sure their future could be peaceful and bright.
They unanimously decided to give their nation the name of Cannibaland, to never forget the destiny of those who its land belonged to and were so horribly killed, and to show themselves and their descendants that such things would never have forgotten and needed to be carved in stone: this would have prevented the nation from committing the same mistake and crime again.

Integrity, Compassion and Freedom.
These were the values the country was to be founded on. These values still allow us, today, to fiercely stand and be proud of the Nation that Cannibaland has become.
A huge, peaceful nation, respectful of the people and the environment, concerned with a constant and solid attempt to improve itself and, why not, the entire world.

The Tree State of Cannibaland
